Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sweet Gabriel!

Life is funny how it turns out...........I never thought that I would be in the state I am 6 months ago. I have made some major changes, but am happy and I feel like I am on the road that God is leading me to! I started dating again and ended up meeting a really sweet guy! His name is Gabriel and he is very handsome if I must say so! We have had a lot of fun together and I have to say there is never a dull moment! I'm very thankful to have him in my life and he has been a blessing in so many ways. I think he is the first guy I have dated that I think can actually handle me and my emotions!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I write this post today in pure relief and thankfullness for God and my family as well as good friends. Life has taken an odd turn for me and at first I thought it was just a run of bad luck, but have come to realize that it maybe signs from up above. Im getting better, but at times I feel very lost. I try to re-focus and remember the real and unselfish reason why we all are here, but at times when you doubt yourself, or often question who you are and what your goals are in life, it makes living each day tough. I thought by now, I would at least be married and have children, but I guess thats not what God had in my path right now. Im very blessed to have found an amazing church and just realized I have family here, so my journey in DFW doesnt feel too bad after I all I guess. I just want to take the time to thank everyone in my family who has helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life. I have to say I have learned 3 good lessons over the past couple of months that I hope I can help someone else with. #1-NEVER lose your communication with God, you have to have him in your life all the time, not just when you are in time of need #2-Trust your gutt feeling at all times, if you feel like something isnt right with the situation, get out asap! #3-Get to know someone inside and out before you give up everything for them. Some people as I have discovered, have alternative motives and can be very selfish so you have to really get to know someone before you can trust.............

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The best parents EVER!

I had to share with everyone this cute picture of my parents when they came to see me this past Summer. One of the things we love doing together is going to the movies. We went and saw "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and it was so much fun. Afterwards that night, they thought it would be cool to wear the 3D glasses. My parents are so cute!! One of the many great things about my parents is that they are very hip! When they were here, one of the funniest times we had was when we all played rock band together. My Dad played the drums (shocker) and my mom sang while I played the guitar. Of course my Dad was AWESOME at the drums, he was playing on hard and it he had just started playing the game. And my Mom, WOW, it was so cool to hear her sing an Areosmith song. We had a blast! I wish I could see them more. Maybe now that I live somewhere cool (besides Waco) I will see them a lot more?????? I really have been blessed my whole life! My parents have always been sympathetic and understanding and always had so much class! I hope one day I can be as good as parents as they were to my sister and I. I saw a jar of whipped marshmellows when I was building a display and it brought a tear to my eye. I miss her baking so much! My Mom could make millions if she sold her baked goods. Mmmmmm! I sure do hope my parents know how much I love them and how much I miss them everyday. I have to admit, sure, I talk to my parents almost everyday and I will never regret it. People will often ask, what can you talk about if you talk to someone everyday? There is always something to talk about when you have awesome parents like mine and its always nice at the end of the day to hear a sweet voice and the three little magic words "I love you". It's a simple reminder that yes, my parents still love me no matter what kind of day I have or what Im going through! Thank you Mom and Dad for being so great! Im such a lucky girl!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Sister

I can remember the day I asked my Mom for a little sister. I was playing with my barbies and thinking "I wish I had someone to play with". My imaginary friends were a little boring. I recall going up to my Mom as she typed on the typewriter in the dining room of our cozy home and asking her for a little sister. Her reply was, "then you need to pray for one". I then ran over to the stained glass window by our Front door, bent down on my knees and prayed for what I know now as one of the greatest gifts ever given to me..........a little sister. The day my little sister was born was one of the happiest days of my life. I can remember my Aunt JJ bringing me home to meet my new sister as if it was yesterday. I ran up our dark wood steps and onto our ivy covered porch and looked straight into the window as my sweet little sister lay in front of the firerplance in a soft pink blanket. I couldnt get the front door open fast enough.

My little sister Lani has ever since been my best friend and in many ways a mentor to me. Lucky for us we got along well and would spend countless hours playing Barbies. Barbies was our relief from the world and in many ways taught us things about each other and life in a funny way.

Im thankful everyday for my little sister and I hope she always knows how special she is to me. If I grant one wish for everyone in this world, it is to be close to someone like I am my sister. She has been there through fun and hard times and is the only one in the world who can make me laugh until my stomach hurts. She has held my hand and let me cry on her shoulder and I am so greatful for the patience she has for me. One of the great things about Lani is that she will tell it like it is and help you see other points to an issue. Ive always admired her for that. I call her my little bunny rabbit because she is so calm and in a sense "cuddly" and has a softness to her that nobody has.

Lani is now a mother of two and I could not be more proud of her. Ever sense we were little, she always took on the mother role. Whether it be in Barbies or playing house.

This is my first post and I wanted it to be about my sister because she is so special to me.......

I love you Lani, no matter how far away you are and how often we dont get to talk to each other. Please always know how special you are to me!